This week we started our first inquiry of the year - colour mixing! I noticed that the students were asking questions about the different shades of crayons when they were sorting and putting them away. I left out a book called Pantone Colors and they enjoyed looking through that.
I set up this simple colour mixing provocation at our Science and Discovery Centre.
Using eye droppers, students mixed primary colours and I recorded their observations.
During our math block, we have been focusing on number sense (numbers 1-5) and when I noticed that many of the students were able to work on numbers to 10, I decided to use this Flip It - Back to School game.
Here's how you play:
- hide the school card behind a number card
- students call a number and teacher turns the card
- if you find the school picture you win!
There are many versions included: numerals (as seen above), tally marks, dice, even editable sight words!
You can find this game in my Find It! School pack on TpT.
This was a great challenge for some of the SK (Year 2) students. I gave them 5 Unifix cubes and asked them to work together and figure out how many different combinations they can come up with. The catch was that no two combinations can be the same!
Look at all the ways they figured this out!
We then explored Pentominoes - which are the same as Tetris pieces (remember that game!?). The children quickly pointed out how many of their combinations matched! They even started fitting them together....which gave me a great idea for a provocation for next week....stay tuned!
I put out simple provocations at the beginning of the year and this one was easy to set up. Using Popsicle sticks, I made 10-frames. I added fish and numeral cards and asked the students if they could show the number.
Our poem this week was all about emotions and how we feel. We speak a lot about this the first few weeks at school. We say it's okay to be sad or nervous, happy and even silly at times! We also discussed how we can often see how people are feeling by looking at their face.
Using these emotion cards I made, we took turns acting out different feelings. I even left them near the Writing Centre if students wanted to draw, and write about, how they are feeling.
I even set up a provocation having students draw on a face card (and turning it into a mask) how they are feeling. The blank face cards are from Scholastic Reading Club.
You can download these emotion cards for FREE by clicking the picture below
(graphics from DJ Inkers).

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