With the cooler temperature here this week, the students and I took a walk to collect some leaves and other seasonal items we found outside.
I laid them all out at our Science and Discovery Centre and invited the students to paint or draw their findings (note: I added the pumpkin).
Some of my students are working on holding a pencil properly, pressing down to make marks and drawing. In my Fine Motor small group this week, we practiced making marks (which is the beginning of pre-writing skills). I took a small wooden cube (from Michaels) and drew different lines. Students rolled their cube and tried to draw the lines on their white board.
*I originally got this idea years ago from Pinterest but don't know who the original author is! If you do, please let me know so I can go back and give proper credit.*
I introduced a new STEM (or STEAM/STREAM) activity this week - using the iPad to scan QR codes around the room! Once students scan the QR code, a picture comes up with the word on the bottom, and they can check it off their list. Students are to check off the beginning sound of that picture. There are 26 QR codes hidden around the room.
You can find this in my Alphabet Mystery QR Codes on TpT.
The book Look What I Did With a Leaf! is a great read for this time of year! We read the book, went outside on a nature walk and collected leaves. I left those leaves out at our Science and Discovery Centre (see above) as they were crumbling a little, but added these plastic leaves to this provocation.
I've been setting up this same provocation for a few years now and each time it is a hit! Students use Lego to create a maze for the marble to travel through.
I wanted to set up a fun activity to get students to begin to write. My students are all at different levels of writing - some are learning to make lines, others can listen for beginning sounds and label, and many of my SK (Year 2) students are able to listen and write all the sounds they hear in a word (see below).
I made these large Halloween picture cards and chose a few to show students how we can stretch and sound out words, writing what we hear.
Then I offered Halloween stickers and this Label the Sticker page for students to try it on their own.
This was a hit! I think anytime you add stickers to an activity it's going to be a sure win!
*The "Label the Sticker" page is from my "Get Your Students to Write" pack on TpT.*
Click on the link below to download these Halloween writing card freebies.

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