It's such an exciting week ahead as we prepare for the solar eclipse!
Monday will only be a half day (morning) for the students. We will be reading a book and watching a video to help us understand this amazing natural phenomena!
Here's a little craft we will be making this week too! Tape the circle to your black construction paper. Use oil pastels to colour around the circle and then use your fingers to smudge it!
Here's a look at our centres this week:
We added small foam blocks to our water bin along with plastic people.
Can you build a boat for the people?
What can you build using the magnetic rods?
How many bugs can you pick up before the timer runs out?
Can you create a flower using playdough and loose parts?
Let's decorate the rainbow using loose parts at our light table!
Roll and erase the numbers (using a paintbrush with water) on our Tuff Tray.
Spring coding! What stories lie here?
Our spring themed small world play.
We added our Spring Words chart to our Writing Centre.
In our weekly Writer's Workshop lessons we are learning how to take all the amazing stories we have been writing and turn them into a digital version using the My Story Book Maker app (free and paid versions available).
You can follow along with our weekly writing lessons here:
At our Science and Discovery Centre we set out a provocation all about dinosaurs!
We added felt dinosaurs to our felt board.
This is the perfect game to play as we are continuing to learn about addition!
Choose a domino and add the numbers on each side. Place it in the correct spot on the parking lot!
You can find this game below!
As we continue with addition, we will be focusing on rolling dice and adding that many animals to the zoo. Then students will learn how to create an addition sentence.
Going fishing is such a fun game! Use the magnetic fishing rod to catch 2 fish. Turn the numbers into an addition sentence and add them up!
We are ending the week with some Think Math problems! We will use manipulatives to solve these!
Find all of these lessons/activities in my Addition in Kindergarten Pack!
We will be focusing on using tweezers to pick up pom poms and cover the dots on the letter cards with our fine motor group!
Here are my weekly plans if you'd like to download!
If you would like the editable version to modify this for your own class click HERE.
The original blank PowerPoint file has been uploaded onto Google Slides but the formatting has changed.

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