{Extended} March Break Fun!

I've been a little quiet on social media (and haven't touched my blog at all these past couple of weeks!) because of everything that's going on around the world.  But here's how I feel - let's use this time we have to spend with our families at home and make the best of it!
I know keeping children entertained can be a bit challenging (I'm in the same boat!) so I plan on updating this blog post with ideas, activities, printables and more to hopefully offer you some much needed relief!

I know what you are thinking....my kids don't need anymore screen time!  True!
But there are times during the day/week that you can offer them (and you!) so down time.  I've listed websites that are just a few of our favourites in class!  Print this paper and keep it beside your computer/iPad.
NOTE:  Starfall may not work on an iPad unless you have a paid subscription but it is FREE on a desktop.

Scholastic is offering online activities that are definitely worth checking out!
Click {HERE} to visit their site.

Here's a great link for science experiments that are easy to do at home from Mad Science!
Click {HERE} to visit the site.

I stumbled across these virtual museums as others have been posting about them and WOW!  They are all amazing!  I feel like I'm there!  Here are a few of my favourites:

If you click the Google Arts & Culture link {HERE} there are so many amazing places to travel without even leaving your home!

My own children love being outside ALL DAY. ALL THE TIME. 
We go for walks, play on the swing set in the backyard, ride our bikes and draw with chalk.
I also printed these scavenger hunts for spring, which will be here soon!
You can download and print these for FREE from teachingmama.org

My children LOVE family game night (which has now turned into family game days & nights!).  Here are a few of our favourites!

Lego is probably the number one staple item I would suggest every household to have.  It's great for kids of all ages!  Here's a super building challenge to try!

With the need to social distance, we really shouldn't be visiting the grocery store daily.  Why not use the flyers to create a shopping list of everything you need!  Search and write down items you like/need.  If that's a little challenging, cut and paste items and write beginning sounds!

I love cooking with my own kids at home!  There are quite a few easy recipes on this site (and most of the ingredients you probably already have at home!)
Check out Nomster Chef -> click {HERE}

We sing song ALL.THE.TIME in our classroom!  One of their most favourite times of the day is when we get ready for home - the first person ready gets to sit on a chair and be the "song leader"!  They can choose which song to sing and Down by the Bay by Raffi is always a hit!
I made this song into a FREE printable where students can match the rhyming cards while singing along!
Click on the picture below to download.

Math is virtually everywhere!  We are doing math when we count out forks, spoons and knives to set the table.  We are doing math when we measure flour to bake cookies.  We are doing math when we walk up the stairs and count how many there are!
I prepped some fun and simple math games you can play with materials you probably already have around your house.

Who Has More?  Card Game
All you need for this simple game is a pack of playing cards.  Use only numbers 2-10.
Shuffle cards and place in a pile.  Choose a card and flip it over, placing it on the mat.  Another player does the same.  Compare the cards.  Who has more?  How many more?
Click the picture at the bottom to download for FREE!
If this is too easy using just one card per player, try it with 2 cards!  Add the numbers together and see who has more!

Lots more to come.....check back often!


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