Another cold week with no outdoor recess meant we worked extra hard to offer students fun activities in the class! This week we introduced a fun math game and brought winter fun indoors!
How Tall can you stack the Snowmen?
We made these cute snowmen out of cork and invited the students to explore different ways to stack them. We heard discussions around "making them tall" and watched all the ways the children tried to make the tallest tower of snowmen!
Colour Mixing
I have had this powder tempera paint for years (purchased at the local teacher store). At our Science and Discovery Centre, we left out ice cubes and invited students to sprinkle the powder tempera paint and mix it. Once the ice cube starts to melt, the powder turns to liquid and the colours start to mix!
Can you make a cave for the bears?
Since we have been learning about animals in winter, we invited the students to use loose parts to make a cave for the bears. They could also show their learning of other animals by creating where they live in winter (i.e. bats in cave, frog in mud/ice)
Bear Snores On Retell
A great read for this time of year is the story Bear Snores On. After reading it last week, we invited the students to use props to retell the story or even make up their own!
Can you match the number?
We have been working on representing numbers 1-10 in various ways for the past few weeks. Students sorted these cards (they are a FREE download from last week) onto the large mat.
Race Up The Ladder
I learned about this fun game from Deanna McClennan.
Here's how to play:
- place on piece of string in between 2 students
- taking turns, students roll the dot die and add that many counters to their side
- they continue to build "up the ladder" with each roll
- first one to the top wins!
*This was a fabulous game to play in small groups - I was able to listen for students' understanding of number.*
(Subitizing, 1:1 correspondence, turn taking and more!)
Animals in Winter
We are wrapping up our Animals in Winter Inquiry and I promise that I will do a blog post in the next day or so. You won't want to miss it! Here's a song we have been singing to help us learn about animals that hibernate and migrate.
You can download the song for free by clicking the link below.
Here are my weekly plans if you'd like to take a closer look:
You can download the Week-at-a-Glance PDF version{here}.
If you would like the editable version to modify this for your own class click {here}.
You will need Power Point to edit.
I used the following fonts if you wish to keep it the same (free to download):

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