Literacy CentRE or Literacy CentER???

If you have been reading my previous posts, you will know that I LOVE Literacy Centres and I noticed that many of you do too!  I have to mention that if you have been downloading my freebies, you will notice that the spelling on certain things may be the Canadian I have reposted the Literacy Centre signs that were spelled the Canadian way (Centre, Colouring) and changed them for my U.S. friends to use since so many of you sent me e-mails asking me to customize them for you. 

There were a lot of questions in regards to my Sand Search Centre as well.  The kids just adore playing in the sand and I wanted to make something related to literacy for them to do at the sand box.  So I created an Alphabet matching activity and Rhyming (Word Families) activity.  You can make these by keeping the metal top of frozen juice cans and taping (really well so sand doesn't get inside) the pictures.  On a second set of metal tops, tape the letter or word so that students can match the two.  The students really enjoy this activity and I know that they are learning a lot too!  Here they are for your Sand Search centre - they were made a couple of years ago so when I update them I will be sure to repost.

Happy teaching!

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